
Welcome to Palo Alto

Sustained weight care is more than numbers on a scale. Hear from Diata members on what they love most about the weight care program.

Patient Success Story

Maureen P.

“Try it, you’ll love it and you're worth it."

Maureen was determined to lose weight when she started noticing her blood work results were indicating a decline in her health. As a retired government worker, she knew it was time to put her health first.

Age: 61

Starting weight (if comfortable sharing): 248.5

End weight (if comfortable sharing): 175

How did you hear about us? referred by my family member (my cousin!)

What drove you to start the Diata program?

I was concerned about my health and wellness due to the amount of weight I gained and rising numbers in my sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.


What tips, pieces of advice, or words of encouragement helped make you successful? 

Dr. Constable and Nicole Fontana whom I admire so much for their professionalism, encouragement, friendship and honesty have given me so much encouragement and advice during our consultations.  They help me maintain weight loss and obtain a healthy lifestyle.  I also love the recipes and reading material.


Most challenging part of the program and why? 

Most challenging part of the program was getting used to the amount of food I could eat while trying to lose weight. Remembering what foods to eat at the right time of day and night.


Favorite meals or products that helped you to stay on track?

Salad, fruits and vegetables in a big bowl. Diata oatmeal, pancakes and protein bars.


What changes have you noticed in your day to day health since losing the weight?

My cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure numbers are lower and I sleep more soundly with less snoring.


If you could give advice to someone who is just starting out on the program or on the fence about starting, what would it be?

Try it, you'll love it and you’re worth it.