
Welcome to Palo Alto

Real Life Tips

Supercharge your mornings with delicious, high protein breakfasts.


We are big breakfast lovers but know it can be challenging to get your recommended protein in, especially first thing in the am. Need some new ideas? We have you covered.


To get in 25-30g of protein: 

To get in 35-40g of protein: 

  • 1 Better Bagel with 2 oz smoked salmon (scrambled into eggs) and topped with dill = 36 g protein
  • 2 eggs, ½ c egg whites with 2 slices hearty seed protein bread = 35 g protein
  • Breakfast burrito with 1 Mission (high protein if you can find it) carb balance wrap, 2 eggs, 1 oz feta cheese, 2 turkey sausages or 2 oz turkey bacon = 35 g protein
  • 2 eggs, 3 oz turkey bacon, 2 slices hearty seed protein bread = 35 g protein
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt mixed with 1 serving whey based protein powder (or blended with fruit into a smoothie) = ~40 g protein
  • 2 eggs, ¼ c egg whites, ½ c Good Culture cottage cheese (great mixed into scrambled eggs!) = 35 g protein
  • Two Diata pancakes made with 1 egg white in each = 44 g protein

We are so excited for you to try a new, fun breakfast combo. Let us know your thoughts! Cheering you on to good health and weight loss success.